
Friday, February 10, 2006


Practice this morning was not as subtle as I might have wished (understatement). It was fine, but I think I just get tired at the end of a practice week. Last week I took Saturday off, instead of my usual Sunday. Which means today is my sixth day. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that my energy and focus isn't as strong as on Monday or Tuesday.

My right shoulder has a little twinge and click in jumpthroughs. No doubt from being thoughtless as I lower into chaturanga. I like the way it feels to kind of "fall" into chaturanga, and then stop myself with a little opposing muscular force at the bottom. Versus a smoother, more controlled movement. When I was climbing alot, I had to consciously avoid using too much momentum and making too many "dynamic" moves--essentially, you sort of "launch" yourself into space between holds, versus just climbing smoothly. I don't know why, but I like that flying feeling, when you are zipping through space for a moment or two, followed by the inevitable pull of gravity. Anyhow, I need to think about my joints a little more and not just entertain myself with physical laws ;-)

My focus finally kicked in properly at kurmasana, supta k, bhujapidasana and garbha pindasana. I heard My Gift getting up then, so I did a few horrible (seriously, they are rather alarming) urdhva dhanurasanas, and a quick closing sequence. At which point, My Gift was ready to practice. So we did three Surya As, three Bs, and standing poses up to UHP. Then the last three finishing poses. I don't want to overwhelm her, and I think our little routine today felt do-able to her, and challenging. When she feels it's too easy, we will go on a bit.

It was lovely practicing with My Gift. I felt what Volleyball Guy must feel around his students. There are places where you make a suggestion, and (many) places where you just shut up and let the student make their way. Being a teacher, I guess, is about being sensitive and judicious. A big responsibility. And a great deal of love fuels it. Not love as we've been taught to imagine it, but love in a really essential form. I can't explain it.

The Cop had an early shift and couldn't practice with me. But when he came into the yoga room to kiss me goodbye, it was as if he belonged in there more than he did before our practice yesterday. Now the room is his, too. I like that.

I don't know if I will go to led class with The Strongman tomorrow, or take the day off. Maybe Saturday is my new day off? Sunday is a Moon Day. I guess I'll play this all by ear. It's been a long week at work, and I am too worn out to be sensitive to what I'm feeling. Gosh, I'm happy it's Friday!


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