This morning, for the first time, I managed to bind both sides of marichy D on my own. It wasn't pretty, but there you have it. I then moved through the vinyasa and sat myself on my mat, enjoying the moment.
Volleyball Guy came over, looked at me, and said, "Uh, navasana?"
I told him about what had just happened.
"So you're having a little celebration?" he asked. I nodded.
"C'mon," he said, prompting the end of my party. "Navasana."
So he spotted me for my handstands, then came back for supta kurmasana. He grabbed my crossed feet and pulled them up so my core could fall under my legs more. Yay for gravity!
As most of us were nearing the end of practice, he turned on a CD. Aretha Franklin singing "R-E-S-P-E-C-T." Much laughter ensued.
Sweet! Yoga party at 7 AM!
Yay!!! Mari D!!!! Yay!!!!!
P.S...Am I like SOOO lucky they don't make us do handstands between Navasanas??!!!!!
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