
Monday, October 24, 2005

Silver lining

Today, Volleyball Guy had the space heater on. Guess it's officially autumn. I reminded him about the strain I sustained in practice on Saturday, and he reminded me to go easy.

Practice was actually quite satisfying. My mantra was "mula bandha, mula bandha" and "John Scott knees." Mula bandha to try to help shore up my back, and John Scott knees to try to find a more pleasant way through all the hamstring tightness I've been feeling lately. In his book, Ashtanga Yoga (which I read as I sat with a rice sock on my back all day yesterday), JS seems to set up all forward bending poses with the knees a little bent. Then once you are aligned, you press into the knees. It really helps in padanguthasana, the prasaritas and paschimottanasana--all of which have been killing me lately.

So instead of straining to move forward, today's practice was about bandhas and cutting my hamstrings some slack. Not quite so much forward momentum, practice-wise; not quite so much striving. It was really nice. I enjoyed every moment of it.


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