
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Posse Gals Who Lunch

Practice was busy this morning. Crim Girl brought her Neti tee shirt so we could all check it out. She has suggested we all get one and become an Ashtanga posse. I was happy to get a look at the shirt, because I always wonder how tee shirt sizes run, and whether the cut will be too boxy, etc. There seems to be lots of variability in tee shirt sizing. The British Director, Sanskrit Scholar, Crim Girl and I all gathered around the tee shirt, and Sanskrit Scholar read/chanted and translated the text on the front of the shirt.

Apparently my sense that we all hang out together but never really get to talk is gathering some critical mass. The four of us have been emailing a bit, and there was lots of energy this morning: people wanted to socialize. Actually, it was just the women: The Other Dave, Returning Guy, Chanting Man and Volleyball Guy probably wondered why we were all gathered in a circle, chattering away. I think we will have to do lunch pretty soon. Perhaps when we all have our tee shirts. LOL! Maybe we can go after Saturday led, sporting Guruji shirts and messy, sweaty hair. The restauranteurs of Scottsdale will vie for our patronage.

Good practice today. Though sniffly. I had to give up and go get a Kleenex just before standing. Volleyball Guy sounded pretty bad, too. He only wanted me to do one navasana after utkatasana. Usually he likes to do three--just for practice. I was happy enough to leave it at one.

When I got to supta k, I clumsily tried to bind my hands. Crim Girl to the rescue! Thanks, Crim Girl. You are still compassionate, despite your life of yoga crime. A few minutes later, I caught a glimpse of Volleyball Guy adjusting her in supta k--bound hands and feet behind the head. She even did the push up to vertical. I emailed her later on to ask a few questions: she answered them, and also made the very good suggestion that perhaps we should all sit down and do a little talking about practice/particular poses.

We all work very hard, and pretty much silently, day after day and week after week. The idea of spending some time talking about what we do is very appealing to me.

Later on I had lunch with someone from work with whom I've never really had any extended conversation. She suggested the lunch, and I am really happy I went. You know how every so often you meet a really cool, really together, but still totally human individual? She's like that. She was quite interested in the zendo, and had done some rolfing with Philosophy Monk. And she is going through some intense transitions in her life. With lots of grace, but also, I'm sure, happy for some support. She wants to come down to the zendo once her life is back on track a bit.

So I had a number of cool conversations today. And you know, for all the fuss that gets made about the dialog on something like "Sex and the City," real-life conversations with actual women are so much more interesting.


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