
Monday, December 26, 2005

Mind games

Whoa. This morning's practice was very busy, mind-wise. What am I doing here? was the question of the day. It was interesting, though, because despite the tedious, sluggish disbelief of my mind (e.g., I can't possibly do this!), my body felt pretty good.

Sanskrit Scholar made a groaning remark about practice after "five pounds of mashed potatoes and two bottles of champagne." I could have thrown in my own comment about...actually I don't really know what this stuff was. The Cop's parents sent it to us--it's toffee popcorn with chocolate covered peanuts mixed in. I suppose it could quite accurately be called My Downfall.

The marichyasana poses, which I was dreading, were especially good today. Go figure. They actually didn't feel particularly good, but they were very deep. Not sure how that can happen, but I'll take it. The Bs were very compact, the Cs had way more twist than I usually get, and the Ds are awkward and off-balance, but in a way that seems to promise a brighter future ;-) I wonder if my mind was so busy being worried about how awful I'd feel that my body just went on its merry way...

I tried to sneak in my navasanas when Volleyball Guy wasn't looking, but he ran right over to spot me for handstands. Awwwwwww...handstands?!?! Do I have to? They were fine, though. The shoulder opening stuff I've been working on really seems to be helping my handstands. I always used to lock out my elbows and kind of find the balance point using the flex in my lower back. Lately, though, my elbows are not quite locked, and I am finding the balance in my hands and upper arms. Much easier.

No matter that this morning's practice turned out well: there's no way I'm going to try to rationalize that the evil toffee chocolate popcorn stuff was helpful to my cause. When I was climbing a lot, a day of heavy food intake was sometimes really helpful--I guess it was similar to carb-loading before a marathon. I'm afraid the same principles do not apply in yoga.

Today is a day off from work. Volleyball Guy's son came in to practice this morning. He is not a morning person. "Why is it so bright?" he moaned as he entered the room. "Because your eyes are open," Volleyball Guy replied. Anyhow, V Guy's Son wanted to know why those of us who didn't have to work were practicing so early. "It's all about the company," I said. And that's quite true. If I have to suffer through a post-holiday practice, it helps to be surrounded by others who are ruing their mashed potatoes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karen...can you explain the handstand thing to me? I have never noticed anyone doing that at my shala and I was wondering how that works (handstands BETWEEN navasans??)

Happy, merry!

Lauren (yoga chickie...couldn't log in on this pc!)

10:54 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

Hi Lauren,

The handstand thing is a transition, so not necessary, really. A flourish.

Ultimately, you do navasana, then lolasana into handstand between each navasana (you can see it here, if you look at the poses surrounding navasana:

At V Guy's, we do navasana, then roll forward into a handstand (I still use some momentum from my legs, but eventually it should just be the strength of abs and upper body), then roll back down (legs crossed and pulled in tight to your chest) to the next navasana. I roll back down when V Guy spots me, and kind of just try to slow my fall when I do it on my own ;-)

It's fun and good for finding bandhas...

11:14 AM  

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