
Friday, January 06, 2006

Practicin' with the Peeps

Mysore this morning, but without Volleyball Guy. He's doing some kind of training thing, so didn't make an appearance. The diehards, though, were all there: Sanskrit Scholar, British Director, Chanting Man and Returning Guy. We all traded down dog adjustments at the beginning, and then Sanskrit Scholar and Chanting Man offered a few adjustments to the rest of us as we went along.

It was an interesting hybrid of self-practice and Mysore. Less rigorous than when Volleyball Guy is there, nice and warm because of the group, and yet more of the internal quality of self-practice. Humans really are social creatures--I almost said "herd animals"--we sure do like to do things together. So this morning was fun, we laughed a good bit--a few times it reminded me of when the adults would be off somewhere else and the kids would play.

When I started off, I decided that when I got to Marichy D I'd use a strap for the bind, like I did yesterday at home. But once I got there, I decided to save the strap trick for home practice--it can be a little treat I save just for when I'm practicing on my own.

As reported yesterday, the bakasana-to-chaturanga transition after utkatasana is coming along well. It was actually fun to do today. I also had much better balance in
eka pada bakasana after virabhadrasana B. It's taken me quite a while to realize that the arms are at more of an angle when you set up for EKB than when you set up for plain old bakasana. I kept trying to hold my arms straight and just tuck my right knee into my armpit and balance from there--but apparently physical reality just doesn't work that way. Happy I paid a bit of attention to how Sanskrit Scholar did that pose last week. Funny how poses can just seem impossible when you do them the wrong way ;-)


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