
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Same old

I was due in the office for a webconference at 7:30 this morning, so roused The Cop at 4:25. He was a sport about it--though he lay in bed until 4:35. I have no idea how people can just lie in bed like that: I jump right out of bed, or else I will fall back to sleep. No way I could just lie there, awake (or awakening) for ten minutes.

So we zipped through a nice practice. I had the space heater blasting (gosh, it's getting cold here in the desert ;-) and we just went along silently. Well, mostly silently. The Cop starts to mumble at utthita hasta padangusthasana, and then he curses pretty intensely through ardha baddha padmottanasana. That's it, though, for swearing during practice these days. He still likes a nice chest bump after savasana, though.

My practice was good. Nothing special to report. Well, a chance little discovery in jumpbacks, but it was at the very end, so I have to try it out tomorrow to see if it's really a helpful hint.

And then a very freaking long day at work. Sigh.

Ah well. The yoga room is lovely in the morning. Lucky, too, because I'll be seeing it again really soon :-)


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