
Sunday, October 30, 2005


A couple of posts ago, I mentioned a passage in Namarupa. It's right at the beginning of Meditation in Kashmir Saivism II by Swami Lakshmanjoo. I'm not going to quote from the text, because I don't think I can be subtle enough to take it out of its context and keep its power. But check it out, if you can get hold of a copy of the magazine. It's a couple of paragraphs on turya--the fourth state (wakefulness, dreaming, and deep sleep being the other states). Fascinating stuff in relation to the meditative state of practice.

I will post a quote that Lakshmanjoo cited in his text--it's from Netra Tantra:

When during meditation you experience the divinely produced, internal, subtle elements, pass through them, un-minding your mind with great awareness, and enter into the supreme state of God consciousness. This is pratyahara.

Alrighty. Now it's time to get on with Sunday errands: laundry, maybe look around at a few open houses, the gym (I've been avoiding the gym since I started practicing 6 days a week, but The Cop loves it and we used to spend quality together-time there almost every day--I wonder if other Ashtangis have gym habits, or if it's considered counter-productive? If anyone has any thoughts on this, I'd love to hear).

Yesterday, The Cop and I looked at a few open houses. We want to move into a new house right after the new year. He wore a dark tee shirt with "Tactical Division" printed on the front and "Scottsdale Gun Club" on the back. And I had on my bright blue tank top with "Peace and Love" and huge flowers painted all over it. Very amusing.


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