
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Mula Con Call

Right when I was hitting the Janus, Volleyball Guy said, "Okay, everyone keep doing what you're doing. For the next four minutes, we are having the mula bandha blueplate special. You can forget uddiyana bandha, you can forget jalandhara bandha, you can forget to breathe. Just don't forget mula bandha." Then he proceeded to keep reminding us of mula bandha for the next four minutes running. Everything was fine, until he said, "Forget about what you're going to have for lunch, forget about conference calls..." Oh yeah, that's where my heart and my breathing and my bandhas came to a screeching halt. Con calls! Really, they are my nemesis. The one anxiety I can't seem to smooth out. I had to laugh. He had me at con call.

Sanskrit Scholar gave me adjustments in Marichy D. Powerful twisting adjustments. Perhaps a bit too powerful, as I had a little...hmmm, how shall I spell it?...a little **doink** in my right knee. Like a teeny shift of something in there. Hopefully a little insignificant shift that I can now forget about. And a little crink in my left ankle. I am accustomed to those, and they disappear quickly, so no concerns about the ankle.

Oh, and in Bhujapidasana, I got my feet through without scraping the floor! Of course, I also fell smack onto the top of my head, but it felt like a triumph, nevertheless. I can figure out the smoother landing later. And tonight's Rolfing, so Philosopy Monk can maybe help me out with whatever smooshing I did to my neck.

Lovely to be back after a moon day. I felt so light. Yet mildly headachey. But did I mention very, very light? Yeah, well, then I remembered that I picked at a salad for dinner, and had two strong drinks. And therein lies the headachey lightness, I guess.


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