
Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Waaaaaay yin. I feel happy in that ethereal, yin sort of way. Why? 'Cause of Halloween chocolate, of course.

We had few visitors last night--but they sure were cute. My Gift from the Universe dressed up like a goth fairy and went to a party over the weekend--her boyfriend was Indiana Jones. But they're too old for trick or treating. Last night they just ignored the costumed kids at the door. The Cop was mildly amused by it all, and the dog was beserk about the doorbell ringing. I had a bunch of chocolate, and it totally rocked. And today is a moon day. Life is good.

The new moon energy corresponds to the end of exhalation--a contracting, downward moving force that makes us feel calm and grounded, but dense and disinclined towards physical exertion.

It sounds like new moon is yang, and full moon is yin--by my own (likely naive and mistaken) macrobiotic system. So I've established a kind of equilibrium with the yin of the chocolate hangover and the yang of the moon. Not bad.

My most current experiment (the spirit of research is alive and well) continues. Hypothesis: sleeping with my legs curled up makes my hamstrings stiff in the morning. Therefore, sleeping with legs extended will mean less-stiff hamstrings. So far, it seems to be true. The experiment will continue. After all, it's not enough to practice, write about practice, and think about practice. One must keep it going, even while unconscious.

Hmmmm....chocolate for breakfast? No. Better not. Surely that's the road to ruin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sleeping asana: interesting to read your mention of how sleeping effects practice. I have been sleeping in janu sirasana for a while now, opening my hips while sleeping and it has helped to open me up. Of course, you have to be aware enough to change sides at some point during the night.

8:18 AM  

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