
Sunday, October 22, 2006


Brunch with Sanskrit Scholar, Crim Girl, and...hmmmm, let's call her "Girl with a Red Mat." As in "Girl with a Pearl Earring," Girl with a Red Mat should be imagined in a Vermeerish light. Anyhow, brunch was good, with lots of laughter and Ashtanga talk. I asked Sanskrit Scholar about our responsibility to the community. Obviously, I was asking because I have been practicing on my own. She, gracious as always, preceded her response with a "Well, I can only speak for myself..."

Anyhow, there is a certain amount of business that must be generated by the Mysore practice in order for it to remain on the Starbucks of Yoga schedule. There are also details re: how the money goes to the studio and to Volleyball Guy. Suffice it to say, it is a good idea for me to practice there at least a couple of times a week. And so I shall.

The catch now is going to be finding a way to let folks know that my struggles with supta kurmasana--ugly, frantic and crazed as they may appear--should be allowed to proceed. Yup, everyone is so thoughtful that they want to intercede, to help me find some semblance of the pose. But I need to be left to flop around. Hahaha! I guess it's like asking people to let someone fall down a flight of stairs day after day. Yes, it's painful to watch, but it's the only way I'm going to learn.

Brunch was lovely, and now I'm home with The Cop, who is just getting up after working the night shift last night. He had to go "hands on" with someone last night--a drunk fellow, of course. I guess the guy got in a fight at a bar, decided to fight when The Cop tried to arrest him, and then even got into a fight with the guys at the jail.

Prohibition really starts to seem like a good idea, once you hear enough of The Cop's stories. Sigh. I think he should do commercials: "Crystal meth, breakfast of car thieves," "Bud Lite, beer of choice at 9 out of 10 domestic violence calls!"


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