Well, not quite November. But time for new poses for the new month. Navasana and bhujapidasana. Honestly, as far as bhujapidasana goes, I can't imagine ever getting my feet through without scraping them on the mat. But perhaps it will feel more possible after a few weeks of practicing...
And the results of yesterday's experiment (Can I go to the gym and do cardio and not feel any negative repercussions in practice?) are in: No. No, I can't do the treadmill and bike and not feel something about it in practice. I was actually just fine 'til we got to backbends. I'm a sketchy backbender to begin with--and apparently if I spend time doing repetitive motions that tighten up my hips, I pay for it the next day. So backbends stunk. Oh well. Lesson learned. I can't believe I managed to stay away from the gym for as long as I have (4 months). Cancel the Gold's membership.
As has been the case lately, newer people at Volleyball Guy's: The Returning Guy was there this morning, and The Beautiful One (I stopped to watch her bhujapidasana, since she was going into it just as I was leaving the shala--ah, it looks so easy!) and the gal who sat with most of her butt on my mat in samakonasana one morning. I think I'm gonna have to come up with a better name for her :-)